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Protection mandates and incapacity mandates in Longueuil.

The Protection Mandate:
For the respect of your dignity and because falling ill or having an accident can happen to anyone.

No one wants to become incapacitated. However, we have no control over an accident or illness. Despite popular belief, your spouse or child is not automatically responsible for your care and the management of your assets in the event of a problem. In the absence of appropriate documents, it will be necessary to open a protective regime, such as a guardianship, which involves legal proceedings, the intervention of the Curateur public du Québec and the convening of a family meeting. The procedure is long, expensive and offers no guarantee as to the choice or the competence of the chosen person.

The protection mandate is a document specifically intended to ensure respect for your person and the administration of your property in the event of illness or accident. By signing your mandate, you are assured that your wishes will be respected. Only the people you designate will take care of you, in the way you determine.

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Sound advice! Where to begin?

A notarized mandate is the quickest and least expensive option in the event of disability.
  • Incomplete mandate: When the disease is already there, it is too late to fill the gaps of an incomplete mandate. The notary ensures that all the legal elements are included in your mandate and that the document is indisputable.
  • Speed: As soon as proof of invalidity is obtained, the mandate can be sent to the Court for homologation. There is no need to trace witnesses and have them intervene to attest to their signature.
  • Cost: No need for additional procedures other than the homologation by the court.
  • Conservation: The mandate will never be misplaced, lost or destroyed.
  • No, the banking power of attorney becomes invalid if you are declared incapacitated.
  • The banking power of attorney is only valid at that particular bank and cannot be used to take care of your property and debts like the payments for housing, taxes, investments, etc.
  • The notaries at Lettre & Brown are specialized in personal and family law.
  • Our professionals are held by standards of practice and supported by an efficient technical team.

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