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Family mediation and amicable separation services

To reach an agreement, for your family: Family mediation and amicable separation

In person at our offices or remotely, we offer family mediation services. 

For more information, contact us at or at (450) 332-0355, ext 102

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Frequently asked questions

It varies from one couple to the next, depending on the collaboration and communication between the parties, the number of things to negotiate and their degree of complexity. 

The frequency of the meetings also has an impact on the speed of the proceedings; some couples want weekly meetings; others prefer meetings every other week or monthly.

In all cases, the parties will need to spend the necessary time and make efforts to reorganize their own personal and their family life in an equitable manner. Without unduly stretching the proceedings, it is important to take the time to come to decisions that are fair and viable for everyone.

No. The government program covers only the family mediation, that means reaching verbal agreements.  Drafting of any document for divorce proceeding or the signing of separation agreements are billed irectly to the clients.  Our specialists at Lettre & Brown Inc offer this service and will be able to inform you of the costs and delays applicable.

The government offers at no cost to couples who are separating an information meeting on Parenthood After Separation and on family mediation services. That meeting last about 2,5 hours and is accessible in many courthouses in your area.

For more information, for the procedure to register or for schedules in your area, contact the web site of the Ministère de la Justice in the section Free information session on parenting after separation | Gouvernement du Québec (

Both parties must participate and attend each appointment in family mediation. You cannot force you spouse to participate in the process. The best thing you can do is give him/her all the information, explain all the advantages and invite him/her to a first meeting. There are no obligations to pursue the process if one of you is uncomfortable with the process or with the choice of mediator. Moreover, if you have children, this meeting could be entirely subsidized by the Ministère de la justice. This way, you can have a first meeting and decide after to pursue or not in family mediation.

If your spouse persists in his/her refusal to go to a first meeting, you will have no choice to find an alternate solution or hire a lawyer to present your case to the court.

In all cases, the parties must provide the following documents:

  • 2 official proofs of identity with a picture;
  • Birth certificate from the Direction de l’état civil du Québec;
  • All judgments rendered between them in the past (divorce judgment, separation judgment, accessory measures judgment), if applicable;
  • Copy of all agreements already signed by the parties concerning their breakup.

If the parties are married or are in a civil union, they might have to provide a copy of these documents:

  • Mariage certificate (or certificate of civil union’) from the ‘Direction de l’état civil du Québec’;
  • A copy of the notarized marriage contract (or civil union contract), if applicable;
  • A copy of the notarized Act of renunciation to family patrimony, if applicable;
  • A recent pay stub; 
  • A copy of the Federal and Provincial Income tax declarations for the last 2 years; 
  • A copy of the Federal and Provincial Notice of Assessment for the last 2 years;
  • For self employed spouses, a copy of financial statements for the last 3 years;
  • Financial balance sheet;
  • Statement of the actuarial value of retirement funds; 
  • Statement of the value of the RRSP;
  • Act of acquisition of all immovable properties; 
  • Mortgage acts and statement of balance of hypothec, if applicable;
  • Copy of municipal and school taxes, if applicable;
  • Proof of ownership of all vehicles;
  • Balance of all vehicle loans, if applicable;
  • Personal budget (on form provided for during the first meeting).

If parties have one or more dependent children, they must also provide a copy of these documents: 

  • Photocopy of the birth certificate of each child;
  • Recent pay stub of children, if applicable;
  • Children’s budget (on form provided for during the first meeting).

Other documents could be required to process your file. The mediator will make a list with you during the first meeting.


Contact us (450-332-0355) to schedule an appointment for your family mediation. It is important to note that the mediator will not contact your spouse to request his presence in the mediation meeting. Trust the team at Lettre & Brown for your family mediation.

Yes. You can stop the mediation at any time, unilaterally and without justification. The same goes for your spouse. You will have to turn to other means to settle your separation. For all questions concerning family mediation, contact us !

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